European Heritage Days celebration in St. Petersburg 2006


The 15th anniversary of the European Heritage Day was celebrated 2006 in St. Peterburg. Since its origin, this joint action of the Council of Europe and the European Commission has steadily spread across all the signatory states to the European Cultural Convention. Once a
year, in 49 countries with a total population of more than 800 million, the EHDs offer a chance to celebrate
the unity and diversity of a shared cultural heritage which is one of Europe’s most distinctive features.
Tthe key event of the European Heritage Days in 2006was held in St. Petersburg, an emblematic city where cultures meet and where creative and performing artists from very different backgrounds come together. The Russian Government’s invitation to host the launch of the European Heritage Days in St. Petersburg was part of the official programme of the Russian Chairmanship of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers and reflected the importance
which the Russian Federation attaches to cultural heritage and its meaning for Europe and its people....

(based on joined welcome letter by Mr Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe and Mr Jan Figel, Member of the European Commission responsible for Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism )


Tsarskoje Selo in winter

Controll of the panning: Place the mouse symbol on the image and move it in required direction.

Peterhof Palace and Park


Java, Immervision, 1.3 MB



St. Petersburg views, 2003-2006



Ice Palace building event in St. Petersburg

Hermitage side
Java, Immervision, 1.3 MB
Fullscreen Quick Time, 2.3 MB

Bath House side
Java, Immervision, 1.4 MB
Fullscreen Quick Time, 1.7 MB

Sleeping room
Java, Immervision 1.3 MB
Fullscreen Quick Time 1.3 MB

Dining room
Java, Immervision 1.3 MB
Fullscreen Quick Time 1.5 MB
Fullscreen SPi-V 1.3 MB

Entrance Hall
Java, Immervision 1.2 MB
Fullscreen Quick Time 1.3 MB

Java, Immervision, 1.2 MB
Fullscreen Quick Time, 1.4 MB

4 February 2006

Java, Immervision , 1 Mbyte
Fullscreen, Quick Time , 1.7 Mbyte

Neva Borders at minus 19 Celsius

Fullscreen Quick Time 1,6 Mbyte

White Nights 24-Hour Powerboat Race, 2 July 2005, St.Petersburg

Flash movie 2.6 Mbyte

Sweden's National Day event in St.Petersburg

4 June 2004 java, Quick Time

The Savior on Spilled Blood

The Savior on Spilled Blood 2005, Quick Time

The Dvortzovaja Square

The Dvortzovaja Square, Java viewer

The Dvortzovyj Park

Winter view, Quick Time

The Marmurnoj Palace

The Marmurnoj Palace, Java viewer

The Petropavlovskaja Fortress

Quick Time (fullscreen)

Quick Time (fullscreen)

Tzarskoje Selo, The Catherine Palace,

Interior Java, Quick Time

Winter view, Quick Time

Narva 2003

Castles on Narva borders, plain pano

Tallinn 2003

St. Nicholas Church,


Ice Palace Event, February-March 2006, St. Petersburg

A replica of the original Ice Palace from 1740 has been mounted on Dvortzovaja Ploschtjad near Hermitage Palace by the team of 14 ice-art masters led by famous ice-sculptor from St. Petersburg, Valerij Gromov (

The replica has been build according to the original descriptions of Prof. G.Kraft from St.Petersburg Academy of Science which worked with original project 1740. This event was dedicated to the victory in Turkish war. Ice building on Dvortzovaja Ploschtjad was in these times part of carnival tradition. Ice art belongs also the Russian national tradition. In XVIII Century Russian ice artists worked systematically with design plans and drawings for ice sculptures and buildings.

Current composition consists of the main house with 3 rooms decorated with ice sculptures and ice furniture, the bath, 2 elephants sculptures, 6 small canons and many smaller sculptures surrounding the palace. There are 22 sculptures all together.

The carnival events consisted of parades, baths, and weddings. Now, after more than 100 years long break, these traditional events was revived in February and March 2006.

The pictures were caught during 25 minutes long press release on 8th February 2006 (at minus 22 °Celsius).

To navigate the panoramas: use the mouse cursor, arrow keys on the keyboard or toolbar on the panorama


© Jacek Gancarson, 2006